This is fabulous, incredibly affecting writing, Thalia! Keep at it, no matter the number of likes. Remember: Eat this, world!

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Diana- Glad you enjoyed it. And yes and yes: β€œEat this, world,” indeed! πŸ™ŒπŸΌ

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Fun and well made piece! You could go on with all the other pizza names, why not? Marinara, Capricciosa, Calzone, Carciofi e Funghi, and my personal favorite, Napoletana with olives and anchovies. Salute!

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Salute, Hans! Definitely could go on with more pizza names. Never knew I loved mushrooms so much until Funghi. πŸ™ŒπŸΌ

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Nice piece. Who doesn't love pizza, after all? And the Margherita is in many ways the simplest and best. Now, being Versailles Century and all, I have to bring you up short on one point: Queen Margherita did not die in 1900. That was the year her husband was assassinated. Margherita herself lived on until 1926.

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Great point, David. I appreciate the correction.

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Feel free to return the favour. People on Substack are too polite to point out my typos!

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I’m sure there’s hardly any, David. πŸ™ŒπŸΌ

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I find them all the time, lol.

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Aug 28Liked by Thalia Toha

I’ve always loved pizza, but never fascinated by it...until now! Another fun and educational essay, thanks Thalia.

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Rob- Now you can eat every bite with newfound interest. Hope all is well with you, Rob?

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Aug 28Liked by Thalia Toha

I will do that! I’m well, thanks for asking, Thalia. Just waiting for the super heat and humidity to subside....and deciding what toppings I want in my PIZZA for dinner! Hope all is well with you too.

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Enjoy your pizza dinner! πŸ€“πŸ•

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How serendipitous! I was in the Pantheon just a few days ago looking at Queen Margarita’s grave and thinking about her patriotic red, white, and green pizza.

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That IS serendipitous! How was the visit to the Pantheon? What did you see that jumped out, Iain?πŸ™ŒπŸΌ

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How often do you get to stand in a 2,000 year old building? That in itself is astonishing. The dome is still the largest unreinforced concrete dome ever made! The use of the brick and tile arches in the structure of the building is ingenious. I wish I could see it as intended, exterior covered in marble, the twelve empty alcoves filled once again with statues of the Olympian gods.

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I love this! Especially how you ended it! Margarita's look up at the open Italian sky also brought to mind Seamus Heaney's poem "Skylight." But what you have done here is really unique and wonderful. And it makes me want to fire up the brick oven. Brava.

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Courtenay- Fire away with the brick oven! Cheers, -Thalia

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Sep 1Liked by Thalia Toha

I really enjoyed reading the history of the people involved. I learn history best by understanding a bit about the actual lives of real folks. I love deep dish sausage and mushroom:)

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Yum. Mushrooms are great, Mary. I wish I had more of it growing up.

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Sep 1Liked by Thalia Toha

This is so fascinating! I loved learning about the history of pizza and Queen Margherita. I love the detail in your writing. Thank you!

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Thanks for the kind words, Mary. What in particular stood out? And more importantly: what type of pizza are you drawn to?

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Wonderful, Thalia.

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Glad you liked it, Mike. How’s ABQ these days? Starting to cool, I hope? πŸŒ…

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It's dropped off about 15 degrees over the past 10 days or so. Early 80s for highs. I'm heading to Los Angeles for a few days next week, so looking forward to that, especially seeing three friends I haven't seen in a while.

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LA’s been much cooler this month than the western mountain regions. Enjoy the trip, Mike-

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The trick to pizza is 'Vegetarian with Pepperoni'. Think about it.

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Good point, Michael. Never thought of it this way, but you’re on to something here!

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So good, Thalia … and wonder of wonders β€” tonight I had pizza Margherita for dinner πŸ• with fresh basil from my balcony … Wondeful writing !!

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Hope you had a fantastic pizza meal, complete with basil from the garden, Karen?

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Ok, that was great. I have a son in Chicago, sometimes teach in NYC, have spent time in Italy . . . these are really deep questions! Well done!

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Glad you enjoyed it, David. Which parts in Italy have you visited? And for the more important question: what’s your favorite kind of pizza?

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Aug 28Β·edited Aug 28Liked by Thalia Toha

Most of the famous places north of Rome, though some a long time ago. Have not been to the South, something to live for. I often drive long distances (1000k +) home to Lawrence, KS. My buddy George owns a string of pizza joints, making sort of middle American pizza, and I usually have one waiting for me, along with a salad that I rarely eat. It has become a ritual. Otherwise, NY.

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Hard to refuse pizza waiting for you from your own friend. I bet they make a decent leftover snack on the road, too.

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